Let's say you are working in a multinational company!

How many times have you decided to launch a new product within the company but the core team doesn’t have the skills to implement and operate it ?   what about an Internal Startup program?
For how many times an idea or a product got lost inside the organization because of lack of ownership or inflexible processes ?   maybe you can think of Intrapreneurship programs, spin offs, innovation units
For how many times your marketing department didn’t have the right tools to approach “a new product” ?  maybe you can think of a right mix of inhouse and outsourcing capabilities in term of marketing strategy and implementation (performance, awareness campaigns, social media & SEO)
Which are the roles you really need in your growing team? How to handle so many people and not lose focus? When to hire and when to outsource?   plan your future organization
You got your early adopters, yes, they love your product, but how to move towards main-stream and how to adjust your marketing strategy in order to achieve that?   get the right marketing mix according to your budget and learn how to get the best out of it using relevant data
How to optimize the acquisition-cost and increase your customer lifetime value? Have you thought about email support or phone support, retargeting, email marketing?  We can put all of these together in a meaningful way
Have you ever felt that you have too much technical knowledge and you missthe growth and scaling competencies and you don’t know how to tackle it? Your startup has for sure a  CEO and a CTO.  Maybe you actually miss the COO or the CMO.

Let's say you are working in a startup or decided to start one!

Let's say you are working in a startup or decided to start one!

Which are the roles you really need in your growing team? How to handle so many people and not lose focus? When to hire and when to outsource?   plan your future organization
You got your early adopters, yes, they love your product, but how to move towards main-stream and how to adjust your marketing strategy in order to achieve that?   get the right marketing mix according to your budget and learn how to get the best out of it using relevant data
How to optimize the acquisition-cost and increase your customer lifetime value? Have you thought about email support or phone support, retargeting, email marketing?  We can put all of these together in a meaningful way
Have you ever felt that you have too much technical knowledge and you missthe growth and scaling competencies and you don’t know how to tackle it? Your startup has for sure a  CEO and a CTO.  Maybe you actually miss the COO or the CMO.
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    why should your business be on facebook